ngl this month has been the toughest months we ever spent together but none of my feelings could ever change a bit about you. ever since you came into my life you teach me how it feels to be truly in love and make myself better everyday. even if the rough times, you always know how to make it easier. you know me better than anyone else and i will always cherish every moments with you.

the love i hold for you can only be measured by the thoughts i have of us together. permanent and endless.

i hope you realize how beautiful you are. and i hope you realize what you deserve. i hope u realize u are ur own healer that you can overcome anything and come out stronger than before. i hope you realize what you truly made of because i know and i hope you can see it for yourself. i hope you grow. i hope you have a better year. once you spend finding yourself, mending yourself and putting the pieces back together again. i hope you take the time u need. build the patience and determination you need to succeed. to move on. to find your strengths and to work on your weakness. i hope you continue to fight for what you love. for what you believe in. for all the things you do right that speak to ur soul and to ur heart. i hope all these things for you because i know who you are. and because i know deep down inside you know who u are as well.


if you came to me with a face i haven’t seen, with a voice i never heard, i would still know you. even when centuries separated us, i would still feel you. somewhere between the sand and stardust, through every collapse and creation, there’s a pulse that echoes of you and i.


7 months ago, my heart officially telling me that you’re the one. I didn’t fall in love with you, I walked into love with you, with my eyes open choosing every steps along the way. I do believe in faith and destiny but I also believe that we are only fated to do the things that we choose anyway and I’d choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you all over again.

Thank you for staying with me this whole damn time. I never thought we would made it to 7 months. Thank you for always being so loyal and such a great human being even though sometimes I could treat you like shit. You’re the best thing that ever happened into my life, I just know that one day if we broke up. I’m gonna be the one to blame because you’re literally so perfect this whole time. I adore your patience, nobody would ever handle me like you did. You’re just so fucking different and I know it’s hard as hell for me to express how I feel about anything to anyone, sometimes I always came out with anger to express my feeling (which is weird i know) but you keep dealing with me and I know sometimes I could get mad over a stupid fucking shit and I’m fully aware that sometimes when I’m pissed or mad I could speak something I dont mean, I’m so fucking sorry if sometimes my words hurt you. I couldn't handle it when I’m pissed. But please just know that doesn’t mean my feelings for you changed. I still love you the same just like I did 7 months ago.

I spent all my life looking for someone who can truly understand me through everything without even leaving me and I think you’re that person. I found you. I found my soulmate. I found my twin fucking flame and I found my other half aka my bestfriend. You’re not just a girlfriend to me but you’re one of the important people in my life. I have a lot of love for you, I just suck at expressing it and I really wish I could. I dont think you will fully comprehend how you made my dreams come true or how you’ve opened my heart to love and the wonders it can do. please don’t ever leave. you’re all I got and I don’t need anybody else around me.

Happy 7 Months baby, cheers to many more months or even years to come. I love you always and forever, till forever falls apart. If it’s not you it’s not anyone💛


in all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. in all the world, there is no love for you like mine.


if i’m being honest, i’m really happy i got the chance to meet someone like you in my life time. i feel so lucky that i met you. thank you for always being there for me whenever i need you. thank you for wanting to listen about my stupid storied and my rant, thank you for making me loved and thank you for existing.

i love how we can talk about everything and i mean anything without it being awkward, it’s the best feeling ever knowing that you’re comfortable enough to tell weird jokes and act like a fool. i live how i can make u feel save. i love how we talk about the random tings and we dont get tired of each other, at least i hope so.

my past relationships made me believe that i dont think relationship is my thing because my two relationship didnt last so well. but this time is different with you. you accept me at my worst and pull me up like a fucking angel. i love how you pull down your ego just to be make me happy. i owe you my life. you saved me from all the dark thoughts that ever popped up in my head. you’re one of the reason i’m alive right now. i don’t need anybody else but you. thank you for being the best part of me and my life. my life saver. my supporter and my lover. you’re truly one of a kinf and i’m forever grateful to have you in my life.

Happy 8 months baby. Let’s celebrate this special day and enjoy our time while it last. I love you always and forever. Till forever falls apart because if it’s not you, it’s not anyone💛


you’re so fucking special. i wish i was special


just because we’re not together anymore doesn’t mean i’m gonna stop posting this. you know how much important you are to me and it always be that way. nothing will ever can replace you. i’m sorry i haven’t been the best boyfriend like i promised. i even the one who ended our relationship because i felt so exhausted being in a relationship.

it’s difficult to say what we are because we’re not like over over, i mean we still talking and shit. but idk how to express how i feel about it. i feel like im still not ready to be committed with someone right now. its just hard lol. i wish i could explain. i personally feel so exhausted to be in a relationship right now and i know it hurts you, which i never meant to do at all. so i’m sorry. i’m sorry for deciding this one sided, i know you didnt like it but its better than staying in a relationship but one of us is unhappy in it. i know it might seem like a selfish thing to do but i didnt mean to. i still want you around because tbh you’re the only person who can make me stable. i have no idea what im gonna do if you’re not around. so im grateful to still have you in my life even though it’s different now. maybe one day when we both ready we can go back just like the way it was. i love you always and forever. - J